Sunday, June 13, 2010

This is for Unit 7 for College Comp

What are my thoughts on peer reviews? My thoughts on peer reviews are that most of them can be very helpful and interesting; but some of them can be mean. It all depends on who it is and if they really want to help you or if they want to belittle you. I can take constructive criticism when it comes to my papers or projects; but not when it comes to my work. There's a difference when your peers do constructive criticism and when your boss belittles you in front of your co-workers.

I really haven't had any Ah-ha moments in writing this scientific research paper..

The only thing that I found shocking and intriguing in this paper is that scientists and researchers are and have been trying to play God, when nobody should be trying to become him. If God wanted us to be just like him, he would have made us all Gods; but he didn't.

1 comment:

  1. But he sent Jesus to be a human role model. WE can only model his loving nature in our own fashion. I believe God lives in all of us. Some researchers may just trying to help other humans, while you may be right, others thrive on power, usually because of greedy objectives. Follow the money.
