Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blog for Unit 9 in College Comp 2

Well this week has been ok. I guess, needless to say I might (or did) fail A&P 2, because my teacher is accusing me of plagiarizing 2x now. I don't understand why; because I did cite my work. Does it have to be perfect? I put where I got all my info at and referenced everything and I still don't know how I still supposedly "plagiarized". I'm trying to get my grade up and I just don't understand it. Karma is out to get me and I've been trying to do my best and be very good so I can get good Karma to me. I'm tired of this bad Karma.

I've had bad Karma for over 2 years now. Ever since my 5th and last baby passed away on March 4, 2008. Lukie was only 3 1/2 months old. He's my angel up in heaven watching over me. And then that day DCF decided to take our other 4 babies away from us. Me and my hubby haven't seen them in over 2 years now. Allie was 3 going on 4, Chrystian was 2 going on 3, and Samuel and Samantha were 1 going on 2. It kills me everyday that I don't have my babies or even get to see them. Now their going to be 6, 5, 4, and 4. And they are growing up so fast and I'm missing everything that they are going through; because DCF never wants us to have them back.


  1. Hello Sug!!!!!
    I hope that you continue to post because I feel this is the only way that I am going to be able to keep you in I really enjoyed laughing at and with you in class. Stop by my blog and let me know what you think. I think that im going to keep blog. so u know how to reach me,by blog or email. Gurl, Good Luck and don't change.... *hugs*

  2. Hello Cassandra,

    Are your children farmed out to foster homes? Do you not have any help for getting them back? The state cannot just steal your children like that. I know you must have a heartbreaking story to tell. Please stay in touch.

    As for the plagiarism, did you use quotation marks? Did you use some of your own words? Did you cite your paraphrases? You might have asked me to look at your paper (I do not have much time . . . but I might have been able to help).

    Believe it or not, my children were once kidnapped by authorities, but we fought hard to get them back because we had a friend who was an attorney. They were not gone for more than a week; however, my youngest was a baby and still nursing. We persuaded a worker to bring him to our house so he could nurse and my milk would not dry up. Once we got him there, my husband told the worker we were keeping him at home. She said no, we could not, that we had to wait for our court date. My husband said no, he is home where he belongs and he is staying. She said she did not have the authority to approve that, so my husband asked who did. The worker said the judge (small town). So, my husband called the judge at home (on a Sunday) and yelled at home and told him we were keeping our infant son so he could nurse. That was that. A few days later we went to court and got the girls (4 of them) back.

    I do not know what your story is, but you have to be aggressive and you have to have a lawyer. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering of losing a baby. I know my mother lost two sons before I was even born and I knew my mother as sad all her life. Please do not give up fighting for your children.
