Tuesday, June 15, 2010

blog for Unit 6 in college comp 2

This is my blog for Unit 6; I know its a little late. But better late then never. LOL. Well today I called a co-worker a bitch and needless to say I got suspended for 2 days unpaid at that. Well me and her haven't seen eye to eye ever since I started and I have beeen there for almost 6 months now. I don't remember what happened but she's had it out for me the longest time and I don't know. I believe she's up my bosses asses all the time and I can't take that shit. It's not fair; I'm constantly getting yelled at and bitched at for nothing at all. My other co-workers are always asking me "why are they like that to you?" and I tell them "I don't know why they are like that to me."

I'm just waiting for another job to come up and then I'll take it. But I'm trying to stick it out as much as I can; but there's nothing I can do right now. So now I sit here all suspended and crap and thinking about what other ways I could have done it better. But it's too late too apologize.

Well here is how it started today: we were haging clothes on clothes hangers (yes that's my job I put clothes on hangers for 6 to 7 hours a day), and my co-worker was putting the baby clothes on the bigt hangers instead of the baby hangers. I correctd her and she gave me the biggest attitude and that's when I called her a bitch. I got tired of her acting all high and mighty like her shit don't stink and I could only be pushed swo much, and that's when I snapped. I know it was childish and stupid on my behalf; but its bad enough that your getting belittled by your bosses all day, everyday and now by her who thinks she more important than anybody else. I have talked to other people and they all tell me the same thing: she's a bitch!!!!!!!!

Well thats all for now. Talk to you all later.


  1. Ha Cassandra,

    Sounds like are ready for another job. My good friend recently got "let go" from her job with Red Cross (15 years). She blames a new hire co-worker who complained about her. Times are hard and competition is fierce for jobs right now. I guess some people would do anything because they know nothing about the golden rule and karma.

    Let it go and rely on her karma catching up with her. Of course, then you have to deal with your own as well. Life can be a b----!

    Hope for tomorrow and a job that challenges you and makes you proud! It will happen, if you just keep studying and working and stay focused on your goals.

  2. Hello just keep telling yourself I am in school and I will graduate and then you will have a better job that you can be proud of. The co-workers you have problems with will probably be at the same ol job! Good luck.
