Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blog for Unit 9 in College Comp 2

Well this week has been ok. I guess, needless to say I might (or did) fail A&P 2, because my teacher is accusing me of plagiarizing 2x now. I don't understand why; because I did cite my work. Does it have to be perfect? I put where I got all my info at and referenced everything and I still don't know how I still supposedly "plagiarized". I'm trying to get my grade up and I just don't understand it. Karma is out to get me and I've been trying to do my best and be very good so I can get good Karma to me. I'm tired of this bad Karma.

I've had bad Karma for over 2 years now. Ever since my 5th and last baby passed away on March 4, 2008. Lukie was only 3 1/2 months old. He's my angel up in heaven watching over me. And then that day DCF decided to take our other 4 babies away from us. Me and my hubby haven't seen them in over 2 years now. Allie was 3 going on 4, Chrystian was 2 going on 3, and Samuel and Samantha were 1 going on 2. It kills me everyday that I don't have my babies or even get to see them. Now their going to be 6, 5, 4, and 4. And they are growing up so fast and I'm missing everything that they are going through; because DCF never wants us to have them back.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

blog for Unit 6 in college comp 2

This is my blog for Unit 6; I know its a little late. But better late then never. LOL. Well today I called a co-worker a bitch and needless to say I got suspended for 2 days unpaid at that. Well me and her haven't seen eye to eye ever since I started and I have beeen there for almost 6 months now. I don't remember what happened but she's had it out for me the longest time and I don't know. I believe she's up my bosses asses all the time and I can't take that shit. It's not fair; I'm constantly getting yelled at and bitched at for nothing at all. My other co-workers are always asking me "why are they like that to you?" and I tell them "I don't know why they are like that to me."

I'm just waiting for another job to come up and then I'll take it. But I'm trying to stick it out as much as I can; but there's nothing I can do right now. So now I sit here all suspended and crap and thinking about what other ways I could have done it better. But it's too late too apologize.

Well here is how it started today: we were haging clothes on clothes hangers (yes that's my job I put clothes on hangers for 6 to 7 hours a day), and my co-worker was putting the baby clothes on the bigt hangers instead of the baby hangers. I correctd her and she gave me the biggest attitude and that's when I called her a bitch. I got tired of her acting all high and mighty like her shit don't stink and I could only be pushed swo much, and that's when I snapped. I know it was childish and stupid on my behalf; but its bad enough that your getting belittled by your bosses all day, everyday and now by her who thinks she more important than anybody else. I have talked to other people and they all tell me the same thing: she's a bitch!!!!!!!!

Well thats all for now. Talk to you all later.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blog for Unit 8 in college com 2

All I do at my job is hag clothes on clothes hangers all day long and my bosses constantly keep yelling at us for hanging so slow; but we are hanging as fast as we can. We are constantly getting yelled at for something or another, too. My bosses seem to think that this is Neiman Marcus or Saks 5th Avenue, because this is the most expensive thrift store that I have ever been in. And these people who work with me (atleast some of them) are so two-faced and back stabbers it isn't even funny. On June 23th, I will be there for 6 months and these people will never change. My one boss has been there for 32 years. I mean come on now, retire already. She belittles me and puts me down so much, that when I go and hang the clothes on the floor I just want to (and sometimes do) cry out on the floor. This isn't far, because she just does it to me and nobody else. I would get another job but there isn't anybody hiring or I don't have the right look to get the job. I asked my friend if the company has been sued for mentalaguish and he said no; but they have been sued alot of times before. If they treat me like shit on Monday again (like always) I'm going to talk to a lawyer about suing them for mental distress.

This is for Unit 7 for College Comp

What are my thoughts on peer reviews? My thoughts on peer reviews are that most of them can be very helpful and interesting; but some of them can be mean. It all depends on who it is and if they really want to help you or if they want to belittle you. I can take constructive criticism when it comes to my papers or projects; but not when it comes to my work. There's a difference when your peers do constructive criticism and when your boss belittles you in front of your co-workers.

I really haven't had any Ah-ha moments in writing this scientific research paper..

The only thing that I found shocking and intriguing in this paper is that scientists and researchers are and have been trying to play God, when nobody should be trying to become him. If God wanted us to be just like him, he would have made us all Gods; but he didn't.